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Thursday, May 27, 2021

U-sustain week 9


Welcome to our first in-person meeting and presentation of the year!

    A study from Oregon University found that the two species of beach grass in the US are hybridizing. This means a third new species has been created which is a mix of the two parents species Ammophila arenaria and A. breviligulata. The first of which is native to the US and the from Europe. This new species is taller which helps build sand dunes. The research suggested that this new grass is a little more invasive and may have an impact on local flora and fauna. The above photo is of the lifesaving station in Provincetown MA and the bottom is from sunset beach in Oregon showing the beach grass on the sand dune.  

    Biden plans to re-enact the civilian climate corpse to create jobs and to create a unified national response to climate and enact measures in climate proposal. This would be a federal conservation corps and independent of state agencies. Workers in the corpse would repair trails, build, structures, and support the maintenance of national parks. Mitigate impact of climate change on vulnerable ecosystems. 
    $10 billion would be invested to hire 20k people at $15/hour plus healthcare and benefits.

    The civilian climate conservation corps is intended to create longterm jobs and a career path for future employment. The effectiveness of the program is doubted if participants are students on a gap year or just out of college when the intent is to attract people from all areas of life and build a solid unified workforce.     Expanding positions out of national parks and into urban and local areas would give incentives for people to join midway through their careers. Having an impact closer to home would have benefits to local communities and easier for older aged workers. 

Thanks so much for reading. 

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