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Monday, September 6, 2021

Favorite Oak trees

 This post shares photos of my favorite oak trees in New Haven during the peak of summer. The goal is to show what the trees look like their historical location in the neighborhood. Finding camera angles that captured the whole tree and created perspective with closeby houses was the greatest challenge of the project. 

The tour begins with the largest tree, a white oak in Farnam memorial gardens. This tree is featured in the Yale nature walk. Here is the link: https://naturewalk.yale.edu/trees/fagaceae/quercus-alba/white-oak-98


edit 10/5/21- White Oak at Union college: 

The following trees are individuals of the pin oak species. 

Lawrence st:

Bark close up of "young" tree

Lawrence st:

Everett st:

Livingston st:

Edgerton park:

Edgehill st:

St Ronan st: my favorite three trees

A view of the trees from where the piano is setup.

The sugar maple in the backyard lost two large branches in a storm. Here is a picture of the tree and the point where the branches were ripped off. 

Hope you enjoyed the oak tour, please check back for more posts about conservation and environmental topics. Thank you for reading! 

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